What's Changing: Paperless Transactions

Moving to a paperless system.

One of the primary improvements that the AIMS implementation will bring is a move to a paperless system. It can be difficult to imagine a world without paper, but by understanding the advantages it makes it easier to embrace.

For many, every day we rely on paper transactions. There is always the potential for paper going astray or a workflow blockage if the paper stops at a certain point in the process and doesn’t move beyond for a variety of reasons.

The advantage of electronic transactions is that the information exists in a centralized online location, accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so the transactions are not reliant on the limitations of paper copies. It also allows for a more streamlined workflow with notifications being sent internally within the system and a multitude of staff being able to touch the information, as required. An additional benefit is the ability to store massive amounts of easily searchable information without the need for expensive warehouse storage.

Training will be available prior to the implementation of AIMS to inform staff and assist with the new processes including the equipment to support this work.

What's Changing: Paperless Transactions

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