Inside AIMS

AIMS and Speaking the Same Language

If you have travelled extensively, you’ll know how difficult it can be when language differences keep people from communicating effectively. Even regional dialects can aggravate the problem. You can often decipher the message by flipping through a multilingual dictionary, but it takes time and effort. Without being able to speak a common procedural language across the province, our financial reporting faces many of the same difficulties.

AIMS and speaking the same procedural language. |

AIMS and speaking the same procedural language.

“The direction we’ve taken is to look at core provincial reporting requirements, and understand how various areas have fulfilled those requirements,” said JoAnn Collum, Project Director, AIMS. “By engaging in an extensive study of existing practices with the goal of understanding how to create a standard process and approach, we are looking to fulfill reporting requirements more effectively.”
By aligning systems and reporting practices, the benefit to the province will include more timely information for decision makers without employees having to engage in manual work to connect-the-dots to ensure accurate reporting.
“The process of aligning the numbers can sometimes become a fairly manual process when we have to reference several sources to ensure that we are confident about our reporting,” Collum said.
A unified provincial health system means more consistent health care, and the ‘health’ of the province’s financial reporting goes a long way toward providing decision makers with the right information, at the right time to make the right decisions for all those who benefit from the health care system in Saskatchewan.


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